Ministry Teams
Love Team
Love God and neighbor as Christ commanded
The Love team welcomes new faces into our community and helps the church grow in love by providing fellowship opportunities. This team also helps new people get plugged into Life Groups and provides new people with information about the church.
Areas of service: providing food, organizing events, greeters and the first impressions team.
Areas of service: providing food, organizing events, greeters and the first impressions team.
Grow Team
Grow in knowledge of God & self
The Grow Team provides resources and opportunities for children and adults to grow in knowledge of God and self. This team provides teaching, Life Group lessons, age-level appropriate learning and special events/retreat's.
Areas of service: Life Group Leaders, Sunday school teachers, and retreat volunteers
Areas of service: Life Group Leaders, Sunday school teachers, and retreat volunteers
Worship Team
Worship in Spirit and truth
The Worship Team assists the congregation in worship through music, media, liturgy and arts. They provide an environment for worship and lead the way as we turn our hearts toward home seeking to glorify God.
Areas of service: musicians, artists,
a/v technology, readers/prayer, enviroment and arts.
Areas of service: musicians, artists,
a/v technology, readers/prayer, enviroment and arts.
Go Team
Go and make disciples as Christ commissioned
The Go Team is our mobilization unit at Arise. This team provides opportunities locally, regionally and globally for our Life Groups and individuals to partner with the Spirit in mission.
Areas of service: mission trips, outreach events, local service projects, etc.
Areas of service: mission trips, outreach events, local service projects, etc.